Sportheca Campus
2021 – São Paulo

SPORTHECA campus is an innovation space to unite startups, sports entities, entertainment industry companies and a technology team to nurture new ideas in the sports segment. The campus was projected to be an integrational place for these groups to stay connected as a sport universe in which collaborators from the sector would meet, work and interact.

The arrival, or the front garden, was dedicated as a pedestrian space instead of car way, opposed to the original situation. The highlight was the substitution of the metallic panel wall for a glass system, blending interior and exterior, allowing the campus space and the city to visually become one.

In the interior, the project makes reference to technology, through light and color, applied to different elements, from decoration to visual communication. Therefore, an ambience for innovators and the sports evolution could emerge!

A hallway marked by light designing leads the way to main open working space, creating a transitional moment of expectancy of how the space will look like on its main area.

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Sportheca Campus | 2021 - Sao Paulo, Brazil

Architect: Marcelo Macedo

Colaborators: Mariana Magalhães

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Poétika Space
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Poétika Space
2018 – São Paulo
© Studio Memm 2022. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | Design and development by Praia Design